
Don’t let your dreams slip away

I want to encourage you today to not let those beautiful dreams slip away. If there is a reason you can’t do it today, it doesn’t mean that it won’t ever happen

I haven’t been capable of picking up a 30lb dumbbell in a long time. My wrists just wouldn’t let it happen. Today I was finally able to do it. Yeah sure I used to be able to lift much more, but it is so exciting to be in a place where I am moving in the right direction.

I mean isn’t that what we all strive to achieve? So many days I have been disappointed with where I was at. I would remind myself that it doesn’t mean I will always be where I am.

Here is to the excitement that I did something I haven’t been able to do, finding balance in not doing more than I should do (because we all know that I am super good at overdoing it and physically setting myself back), remembering that I am doing my best and that’s all I can ask for.

What do you tell yourself as you go through the ups and downs of having RA?
